I was thrown into a state of despair after seeing the photos posted by Stephanie, known in the blogger sphere as Ozlady, on her new blog Resting Nite - Raptures Alight!. They are truly stunning.
I felt like throwing my camera away. They made the photos I had posted on my blog My Shared Images gross and inept. But Ozladt kindly gave me some words of encouragement and advice - I should “just need to look at different perspectives to photograph from, different techniques (such as utilising depth of field and cropping)".
Good advice, but unfortunately not so easy to put into practice.
I have taken one photograph from the blog and made four attempts at cropping it.
This is where I need your assistance. I would appreciate it if you would take a few moments to post a comment on which version you prefer. Or even better any advice on cropping (except - crop the picture completely!).
Or is the truth: You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear,
a good picture out of a mediocre photograph.
Thanks for any advice you provide.