Continued from yesterday.
For YesBut’s Image posted on 12th June 2007 David McMahon suggested the caption: -
“Up the creek without a puddle”.
The photo suggested to me the following story, (continued from yesterday):
I remember opening my eyes, and not recognizing where I was. It certainly wasn’t my bedroom; the only familiar things were the comatose bodies of my mates. I wish I had had a camera to photograph Pete sucking his thumb as he slept; Barry was snoring like an old bull on heat while Dave was slumped on the floor.
It took a few moments to recall - all be it very vaguely the events of the previous night. Shit! We had stolen a boat. There was only one thing to do, get it back before anyone noticed it was missing. Despite my thumping head I managed to get up and go out on deck. Now I’m not stupid, I knew there was something wrong, but I couldn’t put my finger on it immediately. Then I realized the wharf was a lot taller than the one we had tied alongside the night before. Last night we had just stepped off the boat onto the wharf, but now the wharf was up in the sky. Looking over the side I realized someone had stolen the river, it was gone leaving us and the boat high and dry.
They might have been my mates, but they are a cantankerous lot in the morning. Finally I got them to recognize we had to take action, and pretty darn quick. We threw a rope over the side and Dave and me climbed down. Things were looking bad, even though the pointy end of the boat was in the water, even that was touching the bottom. We had to get more brain power to tackle the problem.
When we were joined by Pete and Barry we agreed it was “un-gentlemanly” to do a runner, we had to get the boat back to its owner. Dave being the most practical said it was obvious, all we had to do is to dig a big hole around the boat, the water would flow in and “Bob’s your uncle Fanny’s your aunt” we could float the boat.
Just then a police launch passed. “Ahoy there what’s up?”. Can you believe it that people still say “ahoy there”?
To be continued tomorrow - Bookmark this page.
Friday, October 12, 2007
YesBut we're high and dry - Part 2
Labels: 12th June 2007, David MacMahon, story, YesBut's Images