The last couple of days I haven't spent much time in blogland - other distractions
Last Thursday - I think it was Thursday, that's the trouble with the Christmas /New Year period, days merge - I bought myself a new toy, a Canon G9 camera. I'm afraid I haven't got any shots to show you - still working my way through the 273 paged instruction manual. The display on the LCD monitor looks more like the cockpit of a Eurofighter jet than a camera - my old box camera only showed the number of photographs taken.
I reckon after I have worked out when to use Raw data and ND filter, not to mention AE lock and AF frame, I will be able to take my first photograph in about three days. But then I've got the 88 page Software Starter Guide to work my way through, before I will be able to download the images to my computer.
Perhaps it would have been better to have bought one of those disposable cameras!
Due to problems loading images on my Google blog sites, I have now started a new blog , click here to see