I really dislike walking across Waterloo Bridge.
I really dislike walking across Westminster Bridge. But that's perfectly rational, its such an unpleasant experience. Trying to make your way along the pavement congested with tourists standing in the middle, having their photograph taken with the backdrop of Big Ben or the London Eye. Then there are all the touts selling: honey roasted peanuts or smuggled cigarettes. Then there's the group of Chinese who make postcard holders out of aluminium wire bent in the shape of the purchasers name - please write your name on paper, oh sorry wire too short for Isambard Zaccarious Moonwalker.
But there's no rational reason for my antipathy towards Waterloo Bridge. In reality Waterloo Bridge offers one of the best views of St Paul's Cathedral and the City of London. And in the winter months you can see some brilliant sunsets - even the Kinks had a hit song about them.
The view west in the night is breathtaking. Click here to see.