With reference to Reynold's Number, more a case of I come to bury Caesar not to praise him.
For the last three weeks Mrs YesBut and myself have been in the grips of a cough and chest infection. Despite four hourly onslaughts of codeine and paracetamol the virus remains stubbornly resistant. Having to remain in the apartment, I'm unable to take my camera out and about on the streets of London, and am suffering from withdrawal symptoms.
To prevent my camera from disappearing under dust and cobwebs and my brain from seizing from lack of activity, I've been experimenting with still life photography - or more accurately "I'm still alive photography".
Despite knowing, fluid flow is laminar for Reynolds numbers below 2000 and turbulent for Re > 4000, I haven't achieved the desired results. Last Saturday I posted the least objectionable on My Shared Images.
I'm now beginning to believe that the old brain cells are ceasing to function, and I can no longer judge what is or isn't a good photograph, nor take decisions on what is required to get a better result - I guess it is inevitable after three weeks of sleep deprivation. It wouldn't surprise me if I read this in a few months time (assuming I survive that long) and find it's a load of gobbledegook. If it is, I apologies for wasting your time.
And yes, Mrs YesBut has pointed out to me playing with smoke isn't the most conducive thing to do to clear a chest infection.
This blog is dedicated to Chewy's pebble paintings posted on her blog