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Monday, March 24, 2008

Moral Maze

The Roman Catholic church in Britain has come out hard with the message Members of Parliament and even Ministers of the Government should vote against the Governments proposed Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill.

The content of the bill is not the subject of the blog, but rather the reaction to the Cardinals and Bishops attack on the Bill.

No one has questioned the right of the Catholic Church to try to influence legislation. Rather observers have concentrated on whether Members of Parliament should be allowed to vote according to their own conscience, against the dictates of their party.

How different to the reaction of the Establishment to Islam over the last couple of years. Where there has been a fear of the potential influence it might have, especially in conurbations with a large Muslim populace.

Thank goodness we live in a democratic country where free speech is allowed, and hopefully where morality will prevail.

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