I had a "blog night" last night. As soon as I closed my eyes a topic for a blog bounced into my brain.
Learnt long ago not to think, "good topic, write about it tomorrow morning". Because come the morning, all I remember is I had thought of a subject for a blog, but can't remember what it is about. So now I take the precaution, as soon as I think of a subject I write myself an aid-mémoire. But last night the thoughts were coming so quickly I was in and out of bed all night.
Ha you might say, why not have a note book and pen by the side of the bed. Answer - Mrs YesBut. She would object to me switching on the light to write the notes. In her shoes I'd complain myself, because last night the bedroom light would have been on and off like a lighthouse flashing.
Tried to analyse what causes me to have "blog nights". I think its to do with visiting art galleries! Spend a couple of hours in an art gallery and my mind seems to flip. When I come out of the gallery I have a more intense sense of perception, (true). Colours are brighter, images appear sharper. The experience is (I would image, having never tried any form of drug - even grass) as if I had taken a mind altering drug. I'm really on a high, I see even in the ordinary, things to photograph. Yesterday afternoon, after visiting a gallery, I took 160 shots in less than 2 hours. So the creativity just continued throughout the night. Only one problem - this morning I feel knackered! Going for a little nap.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Those blog nights
Labels: aid-memoire, blog night