The City of London with a resident population of less than 10,000 is one of the smallest cities in the United Kingdom. The smallest being St David's in Wales with a population of less than 2000. The City is the financial heart of the UK and one of, if not the financial centre of the World. During the working week its narrow roads and allays come to life with the 350,000 bankers, financiers and investment workers, while during the weekend it is like a ghost
town.The City is also known as the Square Mile, due to its physical dimensions.
To mark its boarder stand on its main thoroughfares the emblem of the City of London, supported by two dragons.The bollard in the photograph at the top of the page, is one of two identical status that stand on the north and south side of the Victoria Embankment and mark the south western boundary of the City, adjacent to the River Thames. The dragons were formerly mounted above the entrance to the City of London Coal Exchange, which was demolished in 1963.
Just north and running parallel with the Victoria Embankment stands the Strand. The statue on the right stands outside the Royal Courts of Justice, opened by queen Victoria in 1882. When the ruling monarch visits the City, on formal Royal occasions, the Lord Mayor of London stands by the monument to great the monarch.