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Friday, October 05, 2007

YesBut the price is right - Part 2

Continued from yesterday

For YesBut’s Image posted on 23rd July 2007, David McMahon suggested the caption -

“Triple art bypass”

While Doug suggested -

"Cindy's art class were so low on funds that the sidewalk was their only canvas. That is until the rains came."

The photo suggested the following story to me, (continued from yesterday): -

At work late one night, she became annoyed with a young man who just sat at the corner table, nursing an empty coffee mug. She wanted to go home, but she couldn’t finish until she had cleaned all the tables. She got hold of a wet mop and started washing the floor getting closer and closer to the corner table, suddenly he looked up.

“I’m sorry, I’m keeping you . .”.

When he turned to speak to her she recognised him. She had seen him at the Atlantis art material store.

“No problem, its just I need to close up”.
“Haven’t I seen you at Atlantis?”.
“Yes, I only work here part-time . . .”
“Ah a fellow artist, what gallery are you with”?
“I’m not”.

“No it’s not easy at the start”. “Look let me get out of your way, and perhaps after you’ve finished you could meet me at the pub opposite”.
“OK, see you in half an hour”.

That chance meeting was to change the direction of her life.

They met at the pub, taking their drinks to a quiet corner table they settled down for a long talk. She felt such a relief to be able to talk to someone who would understand her problems, and perhaps provide some advice.

She told him about her lifelong desire to become an artist, and the difficulty she was experiencing creating original work. He explained he had had the same problem, but had found a solution.

“Look I’m not promising anything until I see your work, but I might have a solution.”

He arranged to visit her studio the next day to look at her work.

“You’re certainly a talented painter, given time I’m sure you’ll develop your own style.”
“Yes but in the mean time I have to live, and I don’t want to spend the rest of my life cleaning tables at a hamburger joint”.
“Don’t worry you will not”.
“Let’s go across to my studio and I’ll show you the solution.”

This sounded to her like a “come up and see my etchings type invitation!”. Should she trust him?

To be continued tomorrow - Bookmark this page.

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