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Thursday, October 04, 2007

YesBut the price is right - Part 1

For YesBut’s Image posted on 23rd July 2007, David McMahon suggested the caption -

“Triple art bypass”

While Doug suggested -

"Cindy's art class were so low on funds that the sidewalk was their only canvas. That is until the rains came."

The photo suggested the following story to me: -

Even before she could talk she felt a need to express herself through art. She would sit on her fathers knee as he worked at his desk, and with a crayon draw on scraps of paper. She would draw her father’s face, the view from the window, or even still-life. She was puzzled why her father didn’t recognise her images, he would say such stupid things, “Whose a clever girl, is that a picture of mammy?”, it was obviously a drawing of her pet cat.

As she progressed through the school system her love of art intensified. It was a consuming passion, not for her toys or books; she was contented with a box of water colour paint. When she entered Art College she felt she was in heaven. Unfortunately while she was excited by all the new techniques she was being taught, her tutors were not so impressed by her. Undoubtedly she possessed artistic skills, but unfortunately she was devoid of a creative imagination - necessary to be a success in the contemporary art world. At the end of her course she was advised to seek employment as a commercial artist at an advertising agency. She was devastated by the suggestion, she knew she had been born to create great works of art, not draw breakfast cereal boxes. She ignored the advice.

With a loan she obtained from her parents she set-up her studio in East London. It wasn’t through the lack of effort, but alone in her studio facing a blank white canvas she didn’t know what to paint. She visited exhibitions in an endeavour to obtain inspiration, but in vain. She could copy the works but couldn’t think of anything original to paint. She was running out of money, she didn’t want to ask for more from her parents so she took a part-time job in a hamburger joint.

To be continued tomorrow - Bookmark this page.

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