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Monday, October 01, 2007

YesBut is that fate walking by. - Part 1

For the photograph posted on YesBut’s Images on 14th June, Doug suggested the caption -

“See that guy in the brown coat walking past? I got his wallet!”.

The caption inspired me to write the following story:

After opening the wallet Barry was shocked when Peter snatched up the photograph that fell out of it. Without saying a word Peter turned around and walked away. Barry looked at his two colleagues “what was that all about?”, equally mystified they just shrugged. Meanwhile Peter was equally perplexed, what was a total stranger doing with a photo of his wife in his wallet?. “Should he go home and confront his wife?”. He returned to his office, threw his day-glow coat on his desk and went home.

His wife was surprised to see him home early, he seemed quieter than normal, as if he had a problem on his mind. It was only after the children had gone to bed she confronted him, “what’s wrong?”. He took the picture out of his pocket and handed it to her.

“I don’t remember having this photograph taken”. “Where did you get it?”.
“I found it in his wallet”.
“His, who?”
“Don’t act innocent”.
She was about to respond when looking at the photograph again, she realised it wasn’t her.

“This isn’t me, look this woman hasn’t a scar over her left eye”. As a child, she had cut her brow falling off a bicycle.

“God, you’re right, I’m sorry”. “But she’s your double”. “Who is she? A relative?”.
“Not that I know of”.

“Then who?”.

Peter told here about Barry finding the wallet. They talked late into the night, but couldn’t identify who the woman might be.

Next morning, Peter was first in the office. When Barry came in he demanded to know what had happened to the wallet.

“I handed it into the police station”
“Who did it belong to?” “Don’t know, there was no identification, apart from the photo you took, two £20 notes the only other thing was a return train ticket to Sevenoaks, Kent”. “Why? What’s your interest, and why did you rush off yesterday afternoon?”

Peter explained about the photo. But Barry didn’t know his wife and couldn’t comment on the likeness.

To be continued tomorrow - Bookmark this page.

Click here to see what pictures and captions might suggest further stories. Better still leave your own caption.

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