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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

YesBut is that fate walking by - Part 2

Continued from yesterday

For the photograph posted on YesBut’s Images on 14th June, Doug suggested the caption -

“See that guy in the brown coat walking past? I got his wallet!”.

The caption inspired me to write the following story (continued from yesterday) :

That night Peter and his wife decided they would drive across to Sevenoaks at the weekend, though they had no idea of what they hoped to achieve. Saturday was sunny, when they walked around Sevenoaks, they showed the photo to some shopkeepers and in the restaurant where they had tea. All to no avail; except that is for the children who thought “it was the best time ever, just like detectives on the TV”.

As the kids had enjoyed themselves, and as it was particularly difficult to keep them amused, they paid a number of return visits; all with the same lack of success. It was late October and the kids were getting a bit bored with the game; they decided they would make the last excursion of the year. The kids weren’t all that keen, so to please them they decided, for a change, to go by train. They were just coming out of the railway station when Peter recognised a man’s walk. There was nothing particularly distinctive about it, but he knew the man walking before them was the owner of the wallet.

He ran forward and tapped the man on his shoulder. “Excuse me is this yours?”.

The man looked down at the photograph in the stranger’s hand, “yes, yes, its my’n, where did you get it?”. Peter had no time to answer, for the man was now staring at Peter’s wife. He held head in his hands as his face went ashen white, “No it can’t be”. He collapsed on the floor. They helped him up, and went into a nearby café. Sitting the kids at one table, they huddled over cups of tea, the man introduced himself as Dave Wallace. He explained it was a photo of his wife, she had died three years before in a road accident. When he saw Peter’s wife he thought he was seeing a ghost.

It was Peter’s wife’s turn to be shocked when she heard Dave talk about his wife. Like her she had been adopted. Like her she had trained as a nurse. Like her she was 43 years old. Like her she was born on 15th March. Like her she was born in . . .

Click here to see what pictures and captions might suggest further stories. Better still leave your own caption.

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