Continued from Friday.
For YesBut’s Image posted on 18th August 2007 Pope Terry suggested the caption -“I left my training wheel back there can you get it for me, I don’t think you can miss it.”
The photo suggested to me the following story.
Now where was I? Ah yes Friday I was blogging about how to get pedestrians out of the way when cycling, and the idea of using a muck-spreading device. That led me to remember a holiday I spent in Thailand.
Many, many years ago, when I was young and foolish I spent a holiday in North West Thailand. I know you guys find Thai girls to be attractive, well this girl found a gorgeous Thai man with a real tight butt. He would take me for long throbbing rides on his motor cycle. It wasn’t big, but he knew how to use it. There was only one problem with the relationship, I shared him with a monkey, which he insisted went everywhere with him.
The first time the three of us took a ride together on his motor cycle could have ended in a disaster. The monkey perched on my shoulder was petrified; and when I say petrified I mean he was sh*ting himself. Though having lost control of his bowels he did have the decency to catch the **** in his hand. Unfortunately the extent of his good behaviour stopped there, for riding through a small town, he started to throw the **** at gob smacked pedestrians.
Perhaps that’s the solution to my problem of tourists block my path.
He did have a nice butt. No, not the monkey, the Thai toy boy! If it wasn’t for that monkey I could still be motor cycling through Thailand; but instead here I am cycling through congested, exhaust polluted London, trying to avoid colliding with dumb tourists.
Monday, December 10, 2007
YesBut protect the environment - Part 2
Labels: 18th August 2007, Pope Terry, YesBut's Images