If there is one prime location for a monument, it is at the end of Westminster Bridge within the shadow of the Houses of Parliament Clock Tower, (sorry for being so pedantic in not referring to the Tower as Big Ben - that is the name of the bell that chymes the hour, not the clock nor the towers).
Queen Boudicca (formerly known as Boadicea) was the ruler of the Iceni, a tribe who lived in eastern England. She is famous for leading the British (though technically they weren't British at the time, but a collection of tribes) against the Roman Empire. And like present day British sports persons, she didn't win but came in a good second best. Though in her case the Romans killed her in 61AD.
The statute was commissioned in 1850 by Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's consort - I wonder what devious reason he had for doing that? It was made by Thomas Thornycroft.
Standing in the chariot with Boudicca are her two daughters - no wonder they lost, three women driving a chariot, it would have taken them hours to park it.
Legend has it that Boudicca is buried under Platform 10 King's Cross Station. And if you believe that, you'll also believe Harry Potter boarded the train for Hogwarts from Platform 9 3/4.