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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Memorial day - 17

London is dynamic - forever changing, offices built in the 1960 & 70s are being knocked down to make way for new glass-clad structures. So too with public art. Two exhibitions which brought much joy to both Londoners and visitors: Antony Gormley London’s skyline transforming exhibition "Event Horizon" centred at the Hayward Gallery and Gibson Guitartown London exhibition at More London, have both finished and the figures and guitars removed.

While initially Gormley's figures on the London skyline had an impact, with time they merged in and people stopped noticing them. To the extent, I wonder now they have been removed, whether people have noticed their absence. I must confess, I hadn't noticed until Mrs YesBut brought it to my attention - nothing gets by that woman ( I know to my cost!).

The guitars were replaced by another temporary exhibition: London Ink.

The sculpture was commissioned by Discovery Real Time to advertise the launch of its new TV series "London Ink". I gather the series is /was about tattoos. The tattoo on the sculpture's back is an original design by the show's star Louis Molloy.

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